Event in support of Donbass took place in Germany




On February 9, MP Thomas Rudy from Thuringia´s regional parliament organized an event in protest of the Western sanctions policy against the Russian Federation. He expressed as well his solidarity with the people of Donbass who appeared again under attack of the Ukrainian military starting from February.


Guest speakers were MP Olaf Kiessling (regional parliament of Thuringia), Dr. Robby Schlund, deputy chairman of AfD Thuringia, Dr. Raissa Steinigk from the organization “Zukunft für Donbass” (Future for Donbass) and Manuel Ochsenreiter, director of the German Center for Eurasian Studies.


MP Rudy highlighted the latest developments in German-Russian relations and recommended to abandon the sanctions against Moscow immediately. He also gave some insights about his visit to Donbass in July 2016, where he saw himself how tensed the humanitarian situation in the region is. Dr. Schlund informed the audience about the historical background of the Ukrainian conflict and Dr. Steinigk reported about her activities for organizing humanitarian help in Lugansk. Mr Ochsenreiter, who conducted several missions to Donbass since 2014, reported about the geopolitical activities of his German Center for Eurasian studies. A picture slide show informed the audience about the realities in Donbass.


All the participants expressed their strong solidarity for the people in Donbass.

