World Anti-Doping Agency experts argue that employees of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory using the security services have learned to open containers with doping tests of athletes and change dirty to clean. However, how this can be done, it could not be clarified.
Box with a set of anti-doping test is called the Bereg kit. Sports athletes police offer a choice of three such sets, as well as three jiggers. After the athlete selects the box with the test, he must write in several protocols. There are personal data and the most important thing – a unique number of doping tests. Then athlete goes to the bathroom, he is necessarily accompanies with the inspector. According to the rules, he must be of the same sex as the athlete.
Once the tests are done, the container tightly closed with a lid, so even the Olympic champion in the shot put couldn’t open it. On the cover and on the container is set the same number, without which a doping test will not be accepted in any laboratory.
All attempts to open such a container, without breaking it, do not come to fruition. There is only one option – to break cover and replace it with another, but each such cover has a unique number, which must match the number on the container, so even if it is replaced, a doping test immediately becomes invalid.