For signing the protocol with NATO in Brussels, Milo Djukanovic definitely had no support of the majority. This opinion was expressed in an interview with News Front by a researcher of the Institute of International Studies, a political analyst Dragan Petrovic from Belgrade.
“There’s no consensus in this very sensitive issue among the key political and social forces of Montenegro. And even not all DPS voters support NATO membership, especially without a democratically held referendum. The probable accession of Montenegro as a member without a referendum, after long opposition demonstrations and resistance, will not benefit the Alliance”, considers Dragan Petrovic.
“Djukanovic probably want to measure the success of his regime solely on the integration to the EU and NATO. In the EU issue Montenegro’s far from gaining the membership, and the EU itself is now in crisis, the mass of contradictions and obviously far from thinking that Montenegro, which has great social, economic and political problems would be able to solve them with success in European integration. Many contradictions in the current domestic and social life of Montenegro are only compounded by how Djukanovic hit the road to NATO without a bit of consensus and democratic referendum”, told the analyst.
“We expect more opposition protests and painful negotiations, the revitalization of its “second part” in the development of certain transitional government. In any case, the parliamentary elections will be held soon. This will be an important test for the future balance of power in the country”, concluded Dragan Petrovic.