Venice: Veneto votes to acknowledge Crimea’s Russian status


The proposed resolution on the recognition of Crimea as an essential part of Russia will be voted on by the regional council of Veneto on May 18, RIA Novosti quoted the newspaper Izvestia as saying on Monday.


The document, which was initiated by 25 out of 51 regional MPs, calls on Italian authorities to condemn the EU’s “discriminatory and unfair” policy on the Crimean issue, urging them to recognize the referendum on Crimea’s reunification with Russia.


Veneto Regional Council lawmaker Stefano Valdegamberi was quoted by Izvesia as warning the authorities against making “strategic mistakes.”


“I want the Italian government not to make any strategic mistakes. But anti-Russia sanctions are exactly a mistake, as well as the failure to recognize what is obvious — Crimea is part of Russia,” he said.


He added that the economy of the Veneto region was hardest hit by the restrictive measures and that over the past year and a half losses have amounted to more than one billion euros there.


As for the resolution, it slammed the political stance both the EU and Italy have adopted toward Russia as a policy of double standards, according to Izvestia.


“They [Italy and the European Union] fully ignore the almost unanimous will of both the people of Crimea and the Parliament, as well as the historical and cultural components which contributed to this choice,” the resolution said.