Changes in Kiev endangers settlement of Ukraine crisis


Recent political changes in Kiev has put the settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine in additional dangers, a Russian official involved in the ceasefire-monitoring mission said Friday.


“The political situation in Kiev has changed over the last few weeks…This also brings risks,” Alexander Lukashevich, Russia’s envoy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosit news agency.


In mid-February, the former parliamentary majority collapsed over an alleged unfair no-confidence vote in parliament against former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and his cabinet.


Last week, the Ukrainian parliament approved the new government and formed the new parliamentary coalition, ending the months-long political deadlock that disrupted the country’s reforms and threatened international aid for Kiev.


Conflicts escalated this month between the Ukrainian army and independence-seeking insurgents in the country’s eastern regions, with heavy weapons being used again by both warring parties.


On Wednesday, OSCE Special Representative Martin Sajdik blamed both parties for violating the ceasefire regime introduced by international mediators in late February 2015, urging them to give respite to civilians in the region at least during the Easter holiday period.


The crisis in eastern Ukraine began in April 2014, when the government forces launched offensives against insurgents in a bid to retake the cities and towns seized by the insurgents. The conflict has claimed more than 9,000 lives and injured more than 21,000 others.